Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Selection Criteria of the Consumer.

The first criteria for the purchase of an American wine is the grape variety, it must appear clearly on the label and be highlighted. Then it is the price, the brand, the esthetics of the bottle or label and origin. Since the publication of articles on the "French Paradox", the wine is considered as healthy and beneficial to human if it is consumed moderately. 

The image of French wine is good, France stay in Americans spirits as the "wine country". However, French wines suffer from an offer that still remains inadequate to the market and American taste. French wine to Americans is often an intimidating wine (when it is time to choose): they have a very little knowledge of the segmentation of wines, their labels and are often difficult to correctly pronounce the names of wines. The value of mid-range French wine is generally considered as "disappointing" compared to wines from other European countries or those of the New World. Regarding communication, wine’s industry professionals criticize the French actions which is qualify as “too scattered and brief”. They advise to better target field operations and reach out to more consumers (exposition, promotion, demonstration or degustation).

In summary, French wines retain a potential image that could be better exploited. However, U.S. consumers believe that France is the country that offers the best wines. These wines are synonymous with special occasions, friendliness and holidays.

That was my ultimate presentation of the U.S. Wine market, starting today I will focus on Marketing actions, release of new products and development of new Brands.

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